
Make-up for The Dark Skin

Facial skin color plays an important role in choosing the make-up. Do not let you choose the make-up that color does not match the skin color.

They tend to be more bright-skinned lucky because almost all the colors properly used. However, it needs special tips in choosing the color make-up for the dark skin.The most important for those who are dark skinned, unify the color make-up that impressed with the skin color is strong. Dark skin color is something that stands out.Choosing makeup colors the same prominence will only make the appearance look a mess.

1. Regulation of the first is to choose a natural color. In this case, choose colors that are close to the skin. For example, in choosing a foundation and powder. No need to use foundation or concealer is too thick then happened again with a thick powder.Your makeup will look like a thick mask. Better to use a colored foundation similar to your skin, then cover with powder to taste. This powder is only intended to eliminate greasy in the face.

2. Thick eyeliner not suitable for those who are dark skinned. If you want to wear eyeliner, make sure sapuannya little – just reinforce the shape of the eye. When choosing an eyeshadow color should avoid anything too bright like white or silver.Instead, choose the color of copper (bronze) or gold to add sparkle to your eyes.

3. For blush or blush-on, dark colors like orange, peach, bronze, pink, rose and plum could be the right choice.

4. Lip color is one of the most important points to make-up for the dark skin. Lip color can be the focus of the entire makeup. Do not be afraid to wear bright red color to reinforce your appearance.

Source: Health Mad

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